Investigation into the police’s ability to seize domain names

As part of its efforts to curb the criminal economy, the government has commissioned an investigator to take a position on several issues surrounding confiscation. This includes investigating whether domain names should be able to be seized.

According to current legislation, there is no possibility for the prosecutor to, for the purpose of confiscation, secure property other than objects and monetary seizures. According to the directive, the investigator must take a position on how the scope of application of existing coercive measures should be expanded so that, for example, intellectual property, real estate and condominiums can generally be secured for confiscation.

According to the directive, other measures may also be needed to prevent the property from being transferred or to prevent the property from being used for criminal purposes. The Rights Alliance believes that domain names must be able to be seized, and additional measures must be taken to prevent the domains from continuing to be used to commit crimes, which is often the case today. In practice, this would mean the police getting opportunities to interrupt ongoing crimes online.

Read more about the investigation here.

Publicerad: 2025-01-24