







We can help you to remove unwanted content online. It can be offensive or racist material with photographs, text or links to material that infringes copyright. We can also help to deindex search result.


Criminal and civil proceedings:
Today, it is often required for the victim of a crime to present sufficient evidence for the police to proceed with an investigation. In digital crimes, we use secure methods to document crimes. During a trial, we have qualified and experienced employees who can assist the prosecution alongside the prosecutor. We help with civil proceedings such as claims for damages and injunctions. We have pursued several cases that have become case law. We have extensive experience of conducting well-founded criminal investigations.

Claiming damages is a way to recover damages but can also be an effective way to get a criminal to stop. Many crimes end when the perpetrator is contacted and informed that he has been identified and may be required to pay damages. We also work to combat illegal activities on a broader front. It can be to produce industry agreements, codes of conduct and policy documents. Our services also include several other legal assignments such as legal investigations, writing consultation responses or assisting with legal expertise in other contexts.


As one of few players in the world, we have reached a unique agreement with YouTube that allows us to manage content on the platform. Through YouTube's own Content ID tool, we can help both small and large rights holders to protect their work on YouTube and take the necessary steps to protect their rights. Access to the tool is something that usually only larger rightsholders gets access to.


In the event of extensive crime or intrusion, we begin the work of preparing a strategy. We map the structure and extent of the problem before we develop a strategy and an activity plan. A large part of our work consists of gathering information to understand the nature of the crime and to identify individuals behind it. We work with both hidden and open sources of information to map the extent and structure of the crime. We operate with great discretion without any identities being revealed. We offer a large network of contacts and a well-established collaboration with other companies and organizations throughout Europe.


In many cases, information about the legal situation can be the best way to end an intrusion or crime. We work preventively by informing the public about the risks of infringements and with preventing infringements. Information efforts aimed directly at the perpetrator, who often thinks he is anonymous, are also an effective way to stop the crime.


Digital evidence is increasingly important in both criminal and civil cases. If a client suspects crime in their IT environment, we can assist in finding, tracking, securing, and documenting digital evidence in computers and mobile phones. Examples of such crimes can be information theft or disloyalty within a company. The work is usually performed in laboratories, but it is also possible to work directly on site when needed. We also help review investigations and technical protocols to find alternative causes for a particular claim. Anyone can be accused of having made a mistake and perhaps there is technical evidence that demonstrates this. Even if you do not think you have done something wrong, it can be difficult to argue against what is claimed. We can also assist with expert statements in court.

In the case of internet-related crimes, we help with securing qualified evidence. The digital evidence is saved according to special methods that ensure high quality to meet the very high demands for correct evidence collection. For example, all assignments in digital environments are documented and on request can be played back in court sessions. Our approach is that crime should be investigated by the police, but we can help those who are exposed to gather the necessary evidence and clarify a police report.